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The new edition of
Making an Entrance: Dancing Out the Message Behind Inclusive Practice
This second edition of Making an Entrance is a practical and thought-provoking introduction to teaching dance with disabled and non-disabled students, updated with expanded coverage, new and revised exercises, and chapters that cover post-pandemic and online practice, diversity and inclusivity.
With improvisation as its central concern the book covers a range of topics, including new autoethnographic writing, mental health, performance, feedback, and The Dancers’ Forest and interrogates what we mean when we talk about ‘inclusive’ and ‘integrated dance’. There are over 50 exercises designed for dance students of all levels accompanied by teachers notes. Useful hints are provided on the practicalities of setting up workshops covering issues such as class sizes, the safety aspects of wheelchairs and accessibility.
An essential read for both students and teachers of improvisation who are seeking ways to engage with issues of diversity, written to be accessible whilst offering areas of increasing complexity and challenge for more experienced practitioners.
Available from amazon and all good bookshops from 24 Jun. 2022

Making an Entrance
Theory and practice for disabled and non disabled dancers
by Adam Benjamin
Published by Routledge (2002)
Now available in Italian, Published CUE PRESS (2020) Translated by Monica Morselli.
The first practical introduction to teaching dance with disabled and non disabled students, written by one of the leading practitioners in the field. A thought provoking and hugely enjoyable manual, essential reading for all those addressing difference through the medium of dance.
The book explores how improvisation can be better used to meet the evolving needs of dance education and includes over 50 exercises designed to stimulate and challenge students at all levels. The theoretical sections delves into the history of a 'dis-integrated' dance practice, placing it within the wider context of cultural and political change. The author questions what is meant by 'inclusive' or 'integrated dance' - and what we might expect of it.
Includes useful information on the practicalities of setting up workshops, covering issues of class size, the safety aspects of wheelchairs and the accessibility of dance spaces. Now a set book on numerous university courses across the UK.
'This book revolutionizes perceptions of the dancer's body as well as dance itself'
Carrie Sandahl, Florida State University
'This is a path-breaking sourcebook and guide to the challenges and creative opportunities for integrated dance'
Carol Brown, University of Surrey​

an ethnographic consideration of dance, digital technology and hikikomori in Japan and the UK
By Adam Benjamin in
Dance, access and inclusion: perspectives on dance, young people and change, Editors: Stephanie Burridge and Charlotte Svendler Nielsen Publisher – Routledge UK (2017)
The arts have a crucial role in empowering young people with special needs through diverse dance initiatives. Inclusive pedagogy that integrates all students in rich, equitable and just dance programmes within education frameworks is occurring alongside enabling projects by community groups and in the professional dance world where many high-profile choreographers actively seek opportunities to work across diversity to inspire creativity. Access and inclusion is increasingly the essence of projects for disenfranchised and traumatised youth who find creative expression, freedom and hope through dance. This volume foregrounds dance for young people with special needs and presents best practice scenarios in schools, communities and the professional sphere. International perspectives come from Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, Fiji, Finland, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Timor Leste, the UK and the USA.
by Adam Benjamin in
Dance Disability and Law (2018) Ed Whatley. Pub Intellect

By Adam Benjamin & Dr Mathew Emmett in
Digital Echoes
Spaces for Intangible and Performance-based Cultural Heritage
Ed Whatley, Cisneros & Sabiescu. Pub Palgrave Macmillan 2018
by Adam Benjamin in
Dance Leadership:
Theory into Practice Jane M. Alexandre (Author) 2017
This “what is”―rather than “how to”― volume proposes a theoretical framework for understanding dance leadership for dancers, leaders, and students of both domains, illustrated by portraits of leaders in action in India, South Africa, UK, US, Brazil and Canada. What is dance leadership? Who practices it, in what setting, and why? Through performance, choreography, teaching, writing, organizing and directing, the dance leaders portrayed herein instigate change and forward movement. Illustrating all that is unique about leading in dance, and by extension the other arts, readers can engage with such wide-ranging issues as: Does the practice of leading require followers? How does one individual’s dance movement act on others in a group? What does ‘social engagement’ mean for artists? Is the pursuit of art and culture a human right?
An introduction to COMMUNITY DANCE PRACTICE 2nd Edition.
Edited by Diane Amans 2017
Second Time Open - Accessible practice and professional performance.


Benjamin, A. J and Emmett, M (2018) Open State: Event Spaces of Infinite Perspective in Digital Echoes Spaces for Intangible and Performance-based Cultural Heritage. Ed Whatley, Cisneros & Sabiescu. Pub Palgrave Macmillan
Benjamin, A. J. (2017) Pulling back from being together: an ethnographic consideration of dance, digital technology and hikikomori in Japan and the UK. (2017) In Burridge and Svendler Nielsen (eds) publisher – Routledge UK
Benjamin, A. J. (2015). The Fool’s Journey and Poisonous Mushrooms In Whatley, Garrett, Alexander Eds) Attending to Movement. Triarchy
Benjamin, A. J. (2012). Look Before You Leap. In A. Whitley (Ed.), Look Before You Leap: an advice and rights guide for choreographers (pp. 166 pages). Dance UK.
Benjamin, A. J. (2010). Adam Benjamin and Lisa Simpson, The Simpson Board. In Dance and disabled people handbook. Pathway to practice for dance leaders working with disabled people. Foundation for Community Dance.
Benjamin, A. J. (2010). Cabbages and Kings in S. Carter, & J. O'Shea (Eds.), The Routledge Dance Studies Reader (2nd ed., pp. 111-121). Routledge.
Benjamin, A. J. (2008). Meetings with Strangers In An Introduction to Community Dance Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
L'intelligence du corps (1999) published in Japanese by:Aichi Arts Promotions Service
email: web: the book looks at the work of Adam Benjamin and Wolfgang Stange
Articles with buttons are included in full - click on the links.
Article title Publication Issue
Bounded in a nutshell Animated Date posted: 07 December 2020
Animated Spring 2015
Online 2007
Building Dreams in Ethiopia Dance UK 49, Summer 2003
Beyond Difference    THEATRE ART (Japan)   Vol 17, 2002-2,
Adam Benjamin Sotokoto Magazine(Japan)   Vol 12 no.42 Dec 2002
An Evolution in Practice   Animated   Summer 2002
Tshwaragano Dance Theatre Journal Vol 17 no.1 Spring 2001
Le droit de mouvement CRHES (France)
Collectif de Rechercher sur le Handicap et l’Education Spécialisée Spring 2000
Université Lyon 2
The Problem with Steps Animated Autumn 1999
What's the Problem? Dance Theatre Journal Spring 1999
Adam Benjamin is niet Dans no.8 (Holland) June 1998
geinteresseerd in invaliditeit
New way of DancingNihon Keizai National Press Japan,    Winter 1997
African Diaries Animated Summer 1997
Levelling the Stage Animated Spring 1997
Physical Theatre
and Physical Disability Total Theatre, Vol 8 no 4, Winter 1996/7
magazine for mime, physical theatre
& visual performance
La Compagnie CandoCo Marsyas No 39/40 Dec 1996
Revue de pedagogie musicale
et choreographique
Access to performance
Spaces Access by Design Summer 1996
The Simpson Board Animated Autumn 1995
Danse et l’integration Presented at ‘Danse et Dissidence’ at L’Opera, Lyon, France. Nov 1995
Unfound Movement Dance Theatre Journal Vol 12 no.1, Summer 1995
Access and Excellence Forward Move Spring 1995
Flying in the Face of Partnerships Magazine Autumn 1994
The Issue. Dance Matters ISSN 1351-3125
In Search of Integrity Dance News Ireland Autumn 1994, Vol 7. No. 3
Able to Dance Animated Spring 1994
In Search of Integrity Dance Theatre Journal Vol 10 no 4, Autumn 1993
Loosing the ties that bind DICE Magazine Issue 15, April 1991
PAPERS / presentations
Arte, Handicap, Amore Incontri Internazionali su Arte e Abilità differenti IV Edizione. San Casciano, Italy 2019
Access, Excellence, Inclusion and Diversity KIADA Festival 2019, Seoul, South Korea
Will we find it when we get there? [Keynote] 5th Annual Pedrio Conference. Plymouth University. April 2016
Open State [Keynote] Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, Belgium October 2015
Finding it When You Get There. Inquiring Bodies, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, Belgium April 2015
The Fool’s Journey and Poisonous Mushrooms. Dance and Somatic Practices conference. Coventry University June 2013.
Highways and Lay-bys: A consideration of Integrated performance and the tensions that exist between virtuosic/professional and inclusive/community dance practices. IFTR conference, Institut del Teatro, Barcelona July 2013
Danse et l’integration Presented at ‘Danse et Dissidence’ L’Opera, Lyon France. Nov 1995